Annalyse Lucero, LMFT

Annalyse is a licensed marriage and family therapist in New Mexico. She has been practicing with couples and families for five years and is the owner of 505 Family Therapy. Annalyse works directly with clients, produces a podcast about family dynamics called “The Good, The Bad, The Family” and a podcast for children and families called “Pineapple, Orange, Banana”. Annalyse’s goal is to help adults and children understand how to have better family relationships.

My Podcast for Kids
My Podcast For Kids

This podcast is perfect for families that are looking to guide their child toward healthy thinking, and developing the tools to communicate about big feelings. Each episode is about 10 minutes long, and includes a mindfulness exercise for kids and the family. They are perfect for the ride to school or before bedtime!

Find Me On Social Media

I provide a lot of content on instagram. You can find me @aluceromft. This is a great way to stay up to date on courses, podcasts, and information I might provide. I highly recommend this for adults. I also provide safe content for kids on the app Zigazoo. It's safe for kids of all ages and a lot of fun for families!

My Podcast For Adults

This podcast is my passion project! I encourage all to listen. I discuss all things family. I invite my family to share in discussion with me during special episodes called "Family Time". We don't always agree, but you'll learn a lot about how to set boundaries, honor yourself, and explore issues that affect your family.